EU-DualS for Companies

The ERASMUS+ project “European Dual System (EU-DualS)” wants to test the transfer of the German “Dual System” to other VET training systems in Europe.

The EU-DualS partners ADEGI, BVMW, CONFAPI, European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME and F-BB believe that this approach will create a bridge between professional schools and the job market, integrating students better into the work environment.

If you want to know more about the benefits of the Dual System for companies, look at the video below:

There is a real added value for companies that offer apprenticeship contracts for a “Duals System” training. Their young apprentices:
– cost less (apprenticeship wage)
– familiarize better with the company, the colleagues and the work to be done
– are better motivated
– better theoretically trained thanks to the school parts they have to fulfil
– and for all these reasons clearly more productive.

Sure, to do a good job as an entrepreneur that offers apprenticeship training at his or her company, it is necessary to be prepared: in each company there should be at least one training responsible, the boss her- or himself, or one specialised worker or manager that takes over also this duty. In Germany it is the Chambers of Commerce and Industry offering this qualification. For experimental reasons during EU-DualS the Italian and Spanish SME associations, CONFAPI and ADEGI, will provide to organise short introductory courses to their associates. An entrepreneur or a specialised worker can learn here a little bit about pedagogics (how does teaching work?), didactics (how to teach a skill or a work process?), psychology (how to solve problems in understanding, communication and motivation of workers?) and all administrative rules and duties, security in the company and legal aspects to be faced when offering an apprenticeship.

But with only this little effort – which is also an added knowledge value for the entrepreneur – the advantages are definitely bigger than relying on unlearned, changing and lowly motivated people, especially in small and medium-sized companies.